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Fluffy x Bruno Litter

The first Isilme klein Puppies to ever be born!!

This Litter got the names from the two wonderful litter sister Lusam Razzle Dazzle aka Asbo and Lusam Twinkling Star aka twinkle, Both taken from us too soon and only 10 days apart i will add the story in to Asbos page.

unfotunatly this litter seemed to be cursed with bad luck Ted lost to a rare cancer at the age of 2yrs, Bob had inguinal hernias so was spayed and poor pip was homed to the wrong home my guilt for trusting someone who i thought was a friend has made me a better judge of homes but pip now lives with the demons of those few months, luckily he now has the most fantastic home xx

First to join us into the word was Theo, Isilme all that Razzle, Pet name Ted. (sadly not with us anymore his story is on his page in Dogs passed)

He was a lovely big boy weighing in at 7oz and looked brown and tan this soon changed to sable.

photos, pedigrees and stud dog info to follow

Second to join us was Dazzle, Isilme Dazzle Me, Pet name Bob! weighin g in at 7.5 oz also brown and tan with white tips on her back leg toes she too has turned Brown sable. and lives her as my own little diva. 

And Last but by no means least Alvin, Isilme All That Twinkles, Pet name Pippin. Born a matching brown and tan which turned sable and weighed in at 7.10 oz. he now lives in wales.

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